Year One Update
Our 2023 milestones and first year as a team condensed into one video.
Soaring high with much more to come!
Our 2023 milestones and first year as a team condensed into one video.
Soaring high with much more to come!
Presenting to incoming students and families alongside UCI's Engineering organizations.
Team Legacy at UCI Homecoming, rain or shine!
Representing UCI at Glen A. Wilson HS's STEM Fair, which showcased teams from universities and companies across California.
The Legacy team helping to kick-off the AI Innovation Challenge, where teams compete and create AI driven solutions.
Setting the year in motion in Week 0, presenting to hundreds of incoming freshmen, transfer students, and other undergraduates interested in club organizations on campus.
Photo update of our standard robot. Preparing for 1v1 matches 2023-2024.
Hosting workshops for high schoolers eager to learn about STEM at Samueli Academy.
Legacy at Wilson High School, hoping to inspire and welcome the next generation of potential engineers.