Mission Statement

As stated in our name, our goal is to leave a legacy. As the first competitive University Rover Challenge team at the University of California Irvine, along with being one of the first robotics clubs at UCI, we hope to leave a legacy not only within the URC competition but within UCI as well. We hope to leave a legacy that defines our team as not only a team that fully encapsulates what it means to be innovative, but a team that is able to inspire innovation among fellow students and engineers. We are united by a culture that not only pushes the boundaries of engineering excellence, but also strives to further build the engineering community. As a team, we are defined as a crucible of research, strategic planning, intellectual activity, learning, and creativity. Our team members are all unified by the common goal of engineering excellence and innovation, but each member encompasses a variety of different skills that allow our team to positively impact the engineering community.